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Chris De Burgh : Always on my
(Mar 21- Ap 20)
Aries cats
and dogs are always packed with energy. They love attention,
petting and cuddling and are never ever shy. It would be very hard
to keep up with these hyperactive animals. Quick tempered, they do
not give up a fight easily. They are easily embarrassed, so don't
scold them in public places . Reward good behavior with a gentle
hug. Strong flavored and spicy treats are their favorite. The most
difficult aspect of keeping an Aries pet is to get them to obey
20- May 20)
pets are quiet and passive and are the easiest in the Zodiac to
train. However, if provoked they will not give up the fight.These
animals never give up easily. They are cautious about meeting new
people, but when they like you, you are a friend for life. They
will always remember their owner. These animals love to be
outdoors, but may prefer sleeping to playing. They love to eat and
may develop a weight problem later on. They are possessive to the
(May 21 - June 21)
pets are very curious, friendly and packed with energy. These dogs
may bark a lot. These animals hate to be alone. They are fast
learners and can be trained well. Remember to always keep the door
shut, or they will be off in a flash, exploring and looking for
new friends. Gemini pets do not have any favorite friend . They
just love the company of everyone.
22 - July 22)
These pets
are very sensitive creatures and hate to be upset. They are easily
irritated by others and rely on a calm and peaceful environment.
Any change in their routine can cause them to retreat and be gone
for hibernation for days. Cancer pets are cautious about meeting
new people. Once they trust you, they make you a friend for life.
They do not like sharing the home with any other animals, as they
want your undivided attention. They do not like to be left alone,
and can tend to become a bit destructive if left alone.
23 - Aug 22)
Leo pets
feel as if they are King or Queen of the house. They move around
with grace and elegance. They love adventure and will roam as
far as you will let them. They are born leaders and may soon
have a pack of friends following them. They are quite curious
and consider nothing off limits. Leo animals love children and
make perfect pets. They are very protective and would gladly
give their lives for yours. Leo pets have a long memory and tend
to have a long life span. Treat them kindly and they will remain
friends for life.
23- Sep 22)
Virgo pets
are good companions and make great friends. They sense when you
are unhappy or sick, and they are always there to comfort you.
They are shy animals, preferring their own company, and are
content to play by themselves. They are reserve and won't show
their affections easily. They will gladly spend entire evenings
lying at your feet or resting their head on your lap. They are
very fussy eaters.
23- Oct 22)
Libra pets
are easy-going and like lots of attention. These pets divide their
attention equally among all members of the family. They make
wonderful companions and hate to be left alone. These pets love
good food and soft music. They can be stubborn at times, and may
disappear to sulk. Libra's will eat just about anything, combine
this with a tendency to be lazy, and they can put on a lot of
extra weight. Be sure to give them plenty of exercise.
(Oct 23- Nov 21)
pets are extremely loyal among pets. Kindness shown to these
animals at an early age will come back to you for the rest of your
life. If they are mistreated early in life, gaining their trust
back will be a long process. They tend to snap or nip if they have
been mistreated. Scorpio pets are intimidating to other animals.
Rarely will they back down from a confrontation. They are full of
pent up energy and need to run around a lot to release it. Keep a
close watch on them, however, as they are possessive and have a
tendency to pick up a fight.
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
pets are the fun loving of all pets and they are always eager to
please. They love the outdoors, so be sure to give them plenty of
room to roam. If you keep them inside for long periods of time,
they lose their spirits. They are intelligent animals but may seem
to lack common sense. When they get over excited they become quite
forgetful. As they tend to be forgetful, you must be firm when you
discipline these animals. They will respond well.
(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
pets stay young forever and tend to act like puppies or kittens
well into old age. They have endless endurance and will play
happily hours on end. They make the best playmates for children.
They can be moody and tend to sulk if they don't get their way. Be
patient when training these pets as they are slow learners. These
pets are more loyal to the family. They are always determined to
please and your patience will be well rewarded.
(Jan 20- Feb 18)
pets are gentle and loving with children and will bark or meow
just to hear the sound of their own voices. They are extremely
intelligent and unbelievably brained. You need lots of patience
when you train them. They do not obey orders easily and the more
you push them, the deeper they will put their paws into the ground
and refuse to budge. Sometimes these pets don't want to be cuddled
or petted, but remain aloof. Aquarius pets are curious and
inquisitive and will literally push their noses into everything.
19- Mar 20)
pets are the gentle, peace loving pets that hate shouting and
fighting. They are sensitive to your moods and will plant
themselves securely at your side if you are sick and upset. If
your Pisces pet needs discipline, be very careful how you go about
it. They tend to be quite intuitive and can sense when you are
angry or upset. They don't need a lot of wide, open space and are
good pets for people living in apartments.
End of the Line
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